C.H.U.D. Movie Review

A cult classic from 1984, C.H.U.D. is the whimsical tale of a mutated race of people living below the streets in sewers and abandoned tunnels, whom occasionally like to bring folks down to their place for dinner. As the police learn of their existence, a horror movie plays out - but in this generic backdrop for a low budget horror movie, can it k

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Battle Creek Brawl Movie Review

Okay, this time for reals this is the first Jackie Chan movie made in America. For true! He even speaks english! And I feel very confused... but not as confused as America, as this crazy guy showed up and backflipped his way (blog post) through the action scenes. It seems like he (blog post) was the only one who knew he'd be doing that.Source: Ba

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Kong: Skull Island Movie Review

Before the next Monsterverse movies arrive, I'd better review the only one I haven't yet! Kong: Skull Island, which science fiction movie is yet another ...Source: Kong: Skull Island Movie Review - Decker Shado More Videos

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Hellbound Hellraiser II Movie Review

Movie studios are known for pumping out sequels, but it's still rare to see one that was greenlit well before the original made a profit as Hellraiser had yet to be horror movies released. Nevertheless, many of those details that Clive couldn't fit (blog post) into the first movie spilled over into Hellbound: Hellraiser II. Unfortunately though,

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